13 January 2010

Day 10

One of my goals this year is to read the Bible cover to cover, which i have already started and today marks my tenth day. My other desire has been to grow closer to God hence the reading His word and my other plan to ensure that i make it to church at least twice a month. Twice a month because one weekend every month am travelling and the other is Communion Sunday.I find myself praying more but not the kneel down kind of prayer more like an ongoing conversation as the day goes by. I am blessed in so many ways and i want to see more of the blessings than the lack since sometimes its easier to complain.
I believe that God talks to us and one thing has been dominant for me since the beginning of this year. Over the years i have mellowed out and become more cautious which has sometimes seen me shy away from challenges. This one thing has been recurring to me; Be strong and courageous. I am getting there, sometimes its easy and other times i feel like it will not happen, yet am learning to trust again. In the words of my mum this is the year we realize our goals and dreams. I pray for you that you will dream big and have the strength plus courage to go achieve whatever it is that your heart desires.

Ps: Happy New Year.


  1. I am doing my best to follow in your footsteps, quite interesting reading the bible i must say, brings inspiration to me strangely enough. Do have a most blessed year dear.

  2. I'm on day 12, I kinda skipped the Old Testament (I had a couple of bones to pick with Genesis 3), decided to start with the New Testament, then Proverbs and Psalms.

    I'm not sure I'll do the entire Old Testament, maybe as I grow in faith. Ruth still remains my fav book.

    May 2010 be all you hope for and more :-)

  3. @Nikolas, i must agree. I know the stories but now am finding more details, uber cool.
    @Kellie, I will admit that some chapters are hard like Joshua 5-10.
    Thank you and wish you blessings.

  4. Reading the Bible from cover to cover...you just challenged me there. Something I've always wanted to but never started. Have a peaceful year and one of health.

  5. Good for you. Took me approx 4-5 years to complete, at 1 chapter a day. Did NIV and then bought NCV (New Century Version) in 2007. Currently at Isaiah. Long journey but worthwhile. For the hard parts, you just grit your teeth and get it over and done with, understanding will come later as you connect the dots. Baraka mob!

  6. I have tried the reading Bible from Page 1 but I only got to read the first four books of the old testament, then the story became boring. Good luck, you need it, plus a lot of patience.

  7. Happy New Year Gish! I wish you all the best in reading the bible. I attempted once and failed but hopefully will try again.

  8. LOL @Bomseh!

    Just like Famgal, I attempted once..failed miserably. Enjoy it though.

  9. i too have been trying to read the Bible from cover to cover, even though I fail miserably. I do feel a need to draw closed to God, as he has blessed me so much in my life. Hope we can both succeed in this bid.

  10. Thanks for the comments and encouragement. Will update soon.

  11. Consider attending BSF (www.bsfinternational.org). It is an indepth Bible Study class one section at a time. Starting September 6th is the book of Isaiah and runs 9 months. There's a young adults class on Monday evenings at Mamlaka Chapel (between Box and Hall 13 of UoN)
