22 December 2006
19 December 2006
Of Leave and Want to Party

Am still trying to recover from leave, me thinks i need leave to recover from leave. Initially i was going to Dar on a "mission" (Shiroh shush) but due to unforeseen circunmstances(phew! finally got to use that )plans changed. So left with 10 days to idle i had to be creative. One thing is for sure am thankful for my job. Ok bumming is cool but not for long so i decided to emigrate to my folks where i found my mother a tad too willing to host. Now she truly implemented "Mgeni kumpokea kumbe ni kujitongea", (My apologies to all who didnt read Kiswahili kitukuzwe), being that my folks are moving houses to their final house, fondly named "retirement house or till-death-do-us-part". For the aforemenitoned reason it was only befitting that i do my share of the job considering i wil be away as they pack and haul. Then the call on Friday to report to the office on Sartuday luckily just in time for the end of year party.
Monday morning, woke up all psyched ready to get back to work only to be drained and good to go home at 9:30am. That was after receiveing countless emails to respond to seems like all they did while iwas away was write mails back and forth and hold meetings so there goes all hopes of slowly sinking back in more like jumping into the deep end. Finally the day ended phew!
Today: I spit at these bouts of insmonia where i sleep well, only promptly at 2:35am am wake till some minutes to 4am. Now my mum told me that if you wake up in the middle of the night, pray because someone must be in need of prayer. Lawd knows i have prayed, query, kwani how many people need prayers now that it has been happening every night am its a vigil for the upcoming elections. When i finally nodded off woke up at 6:44am but by grace got to work on time. Thanks y'all who wished me happy leave. Am still trying to catch up with blogsphere.
A Meet-up (Yaay!) is brewing at Aegeus, ideally we should propose a date and place, so mine is this sartuday the 23rd, crime scene , where it all began:-buffet park at 3pm. As has been this is open to all bloggers, lurkers and all imaginary friends. If you have any suggestions you know you can either mail, im ,sms or call me. Unlike the TZ Meetup where there was an agenda this one is just chilling, catching up and enjoying the good company. Farmgal, i know we are on ama? Anyone else, Auntie Richi you know the twins deserve a proper send off ;)Till then...
6 December 2006
Last time ...
So finally Lady Luck is a behaving like a lady or the planets are aligned or God has heard my silent cry for freedom. Being a swivel-servant, its moments like this i truly long for, yes, am going on leave starting tommorow for 10 days. I had made travel plans but they have been deferred so am sad and all but what the heck. Been moaning and growling about the whole thing then i realize that the people i love to hang out with are on leave also during this jolly period, coincidinky! The itinerary is bum, movies, bum, sleep, visit,bum and bum.Till then my good people
So finally Lady Luck is a behaving like a lady or the planets are aligned or God has heard my silent cry for freedom. Being a swivel-servant, its moments like this i truly long for, yes, am going on leave starting tommorow for 10 days. I had made travel plans but they have been deferred so am sad and all but what the heck. Been moaning and growling about the whole thing then i realize that the people i love to hang out with are on leave also during this jolly period, coincidinky! The itinerary is bum, movies, bum, sleep, visit,bum and bum.Till then my good people

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