11 September 2007


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One of the commandments of good relations is "don't judge a book by the cover" and i broke it. Then i spent some time with you and realized there's is really more to you. Am glad that we both took time, looking forward to greater heights of friendship. And to think that i almost lost this opportunity. Lesson learnt.


  1. sielewi saana vile umesema lakini si kaa mi huelewa ninii zako anyhow...all the best...one question...ATI? all the best anyhow.

  2. Ahem........ who did you spend time with? Toboa

  3. U r so right..It's never good to judge by the cover!!
    Sasa Toboa siri...

  4. good that you didn't lose the opportunity and still learnt a valuable lesson.

  5. gishungwa..... bana dont tell me you also broke the rule of putting people in categories and stick with them ...

    in 2003 some chile judged me by the depth of my pocket ..she now judges me by the depth of home much Iam bila time for her...

  6. Thanks for reclaiming those days...

  7. You were lucky to get the lesson without missing out on the friendship.

  8. Muthii Fulani, thanks and its ok even if you don't understand.Time time time.
    S&R and Klara, someone with whom i have lost time.details soon LOL.
    3N, you have no idea LMAO and no its not that one.twas great actually.
    3TOC, thank God for reminders.
    Kip, mistakes happen but at least we salvaged the issue. Poor gal lost her chance Huh!
    Prettylyf,i owe you one too. will get to work on it.
    Maragand, thanks and good to "see" you.
    Kirima, lucky and blessed now that i know the value.

  9. MMMMMMMM ****in deep thought. sighs

  10. that the lesson was learnt is important....but the best part of wisdom is practice. 'to do is to be.' Socrates. Have a fabulous day babes.

  11. X's, penny for your deep thoughts heck make it a pound LOL.
    Kai, am already doing it.Thanks. Am still waiting for the juicy post, get to work.
    Stunner, more? will divulge soon i promise. Good seeing you here.

  12. Nice one, I'll do my best not to judge people. It's hard though...

  13. i judge all my books by their covers. but I'm a sucker for the unknown

  14. so gish is in love am love is in Gish?

  15. AMEN, to this one Gish, AMEN...(though sometimes, the initial assessment can be correct: the book is crap ; ))

  16. Beautiful blog; profound thoughts. You have the soul of a poet.

  17. The cover is always a good way to start but it isn't the begining of the end nor the end of the begining... it is just the glimpse of the possibilites. i love the possibilities..... :-)

  18. glad we spent time together too looool

    and to think you almost lost that opportunity..mh!

    tihihi..enyewe..lesson learnt too!!

  19. wow!! you know you have to complete the gist....


  20. Awww, good for you. Aren't we all so guilty of judging books by their covers? Not that our covers are even any better.True lesson learnt.

    First time here.


  21. Mwajd, Its hard but it has to be done. All the best.
    Owen, unknown=mystery whch leads to curiosity.
    Kip,Gish is not in love she just realized that thre is one more good person in her life.
    Jamaicandawta, welcome to my house and thanks. HOpe to see you around more oft.
    Bobby,*shivers* now i see it in a different light. Hmm possibilities i like that.
    Betty, glad that i met you too an d got to hang out. Wasted chances huh!thanks gal.
    Pammy, gist is that if you look closely enought youjust might see the real thing.
    Ejura,Guilty as charged.Easier for see the worst in others than in ourselves.Welcome and see you around.

  22. I understand in the bit of being judged before people really know you all too well, and yeah I guess nice lesson learnt for you...

  23. although i am a big proponent of not judging people on appearances. i find that it is indeed one of the most difficult things to do

  24. modo mwingine hapo checking in in 196422 September 2007 at 19:39

    at leeast you didn't lose it. usiachilie sasa...

  25. waiting for those details ...am smiling here. Can you see?

  26. Judging can turn out 2 be way wrong that u'd imagine. i love 2 take my tytme 2 learn sme1 though there r tymes i hv judged.

    Sasa u r talking about who eh :)

  27. take it as your reward for taking the chance. good luck
