30 June 2006

Party !

happy Blogversary.
Thanks to all named and anonymous who passed, read and those who read and left a comment. KBW family, you are the best. Now go on have some cake we are 0ne year old today!


  1. hey Lusciousness...wow its been a year already i remember when u emailed me way back when am glad to have been part of ur journey and gettin to know ur wild self


    im still owed some candle lit pilau if i remember

  2. Happy Blogversary Ma Richi..
    Sasa Richi tutasalimia?

  3. Have a fab blogverspaaaaarty Gish!!
    Been great knowing your funny self. Looking forward to more interesting posts.

    Enjoy that trip, tuletee picha tafadhali:)

  4. Happy blogiversary gal! Jienjoyi :)

  5. Congratulations you are one year older and wiser.
    Here is to many more of the same.

    *clink glasses*

  6. Hiyah!!! Happy Blogday!!!!
    First shot of Tequila's on me! worm and all :D

  7. @Nicky
    Wassu my fave A$$. thank you for your support and mentoring and yes the stage is set for the candle lit pilaf with loots of bamboocha.
    Aunty Richi, tutasalimia Richi on sato sawa and thanks
    As always great talking to you esp during the night shift days! Thankyou and pos t in progress about the trip.
    thank thank and am enjoying myself.
    kabisa my dear, thanks.

  8. sista haiya thta is not my blog kari ki.
    remember u hooked me up to a hot template my new blog is spideyfun.blogspot.com

  9. Hey girl, Happy anniversary.

    You had an impactful year. Keep it up.

  10. @Y'all
    Thankyou for the wishes and i will try and do better this year. Mi blog cu blog.
