23 August 2005

Teach me

Teach me to be humble, coz i know that iam proud
Teach me to be loving to myself, others and you most
Teach me how to be thankful for everything in my life
Teach me ho w to be king and giving
Teach me how to be a friend, sister, daughter and auntie
Teach me how to be like you
Full of compassion and understanding
Full of love even to the unlovable
Teach me to be understanding and tolearant to others
Teach me that i dont know everything
Teach me to be a learner, never to graduate, tha i may learn
Teach me to think of others and not always me, myself and I
Teach me to be secure in all my relationships
Teach me to trustin you and in others
Teach me to have faith and believe even in the unseen
Teach me when to shut up and when to talk
Teach me to tame my tongue, to put a muzzle on my mouth
teach me to say words that build and not those that destroy
Teach me to meditate on noble and pure thoughts
Teach me to be a woman, a proverbs 31:10-end woman
Teach me to be wise and discerning
To fear you and shun evil that i may have knowledge
Teach me to make amends for my sins and give thought to my ways
Teach me courage, to stand for what i believe in
To take the road least taken
Teach me truth, to speak it regardless of circumstances
Teach me my purpose, so that i may do according to your will
Teach me to desire,to do the right thing with intergrity.


  1. Just visited your blog, nice one!
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  2. You really have some interesting stuff on your site. keep at it.


  3. for the first anonymous i dont smoke. but will pass on this information to others.

  4. the second anonymous thats who the above message is for.
    i knwo who you are.

  5. This is nice, I like it can I cut and paste and hang it at my desk? Just kiddin but yep we are need some of these life teachings.

  6. Beautiful...

    I like the eternal student. Been trying to be like that...

    Enyewe with this and the prior post you'll be set!!!

  7. lovely, lovely
    When you finish being taugh please teach me too.

  8. girl am with you all the way...and only HE can teac so much by the way. i wish u well on this journey that ive tried takin so many times yet failin miserably

  9. I want to be a proverbs 31 woman too, so Lord teach me!

    Gishungwa this is beautiful.

  10. we all need a lesson.and Farmgal if you ever became a proverbs 31 girl can i holla.lol joking !lol haiya am serious lol
