Another Christmas, another end of year. Zero Seven has been a good one for me all round in terms of answered prayers. Even in those answered prayers some answers have been hard to swallow seeing that they are not exactly what I had in mind and would have preferred to wait than hear no!
Growing up I always had a strained relationship with my Mum yet with age that seems to be healing itself. She has prayed me through so many things and situations like mwendwa among many others. I have come to understand and admire her greatly. I see her image and influence in me and i know that am blessed. I will always be daddy’s girl no matter what. I have always looked at him through rose colored glasses yet this year I have learnt that he is also human. My parents are to me my greatest blessing, granted that it has not always been rosy but with age a lot of their actions and words make sense. With that there is lot of forgiveness, appreciation and love. Am thankful for my siblings plus in-laws who became family and made an auntie out of me. Tis true that we had hard times adjusting but as was clear the other day we are now family. Without you all I wouldn’t have the place I call home, the support, the love, the encouragement and above all the prayers.
While I have made a lot of friends (in person and online), with the New Year I pray that I can rekindle some of friendships that due to lack of communication have slumped into a coma. I have met bloggers that I now call friends (see blog roll) from the carribean, naijabloggers and my peoples (Kenya). Funny how through reading your blogs and the endless chat I have come to know you and share with you more than I ever thought possible. Now I have loads friends I am yet to meet, thank you for sharing my life. For all the lurkers and good Anons am sure all bloggers will agree with me, thank you.
Careerwise, a lot of movements way better than the last year and '08 looks even better. Still got faith that in '08 i can get schooling.
My relationship with God has come long way we are getting along better. Still I feel there is a lot more to be done with regards to my consistency yet in the New Year I have hope that it can only get better. I know for sure without God am nothing, so all glory and honor to Him.
Lastly, to someone who gets most of me and has made it better. Looking forward to greater heights of friendship.
How has yours been?
14 December 2007
31 October 2007
Back to the pond
I consider myself as a very open minded person, i always give a person the chance to say their piece. Then again there are a few special cases. My basic assumption is that before you walk up to me unleash your vibe you have thought it through or at least have an idea of what to say. Why then do you feel a pressing need telling me your financial worth while all i know is your name. Is that meant to help your chances with me? I know i look young and also that for some women that might work but come on cut me some slack. Is that it, thats all you have to offer? Oh sorry this must be the part where i get very impressed? Whatever happened to personality,wooing or just conversation about everything else apart from you. I must admit that there are still men in this town that you hang out with and at the end you are sad that the evening ended, then there are those that i wonder if it wouldn't have been better had i stayed and watched some lip-synced-Soap Opera. I am not saying that am the perfect date all am saying is that i try my best and you should too otherwise why then are we here.
Come to think of it my sis and i agree that by and large i attract very special men:-
MBAs(Married but Available): I have seen karma at work. These for me are out of bounds i just don't do married. No thanks, i don't need to be "taken care" of.
Older(read 33+)Single men looking to settle down who are in a rush to beat the deadline.
Foreigners, not that its a bad thing but lets be real you are here for a while there is no way to vouch that you don't have mamawatoto(3N 07)back home.
They say you have to kiss a few frogs before you get to prince charming, exactly how many is a few? In that line of thought forget prince charming and give me a man who can at least hold a conversation, well groomed, treats me with respect and we will work out the rest. Despite all i still have faith, there are a few good ones left.
Come to think of it my sis and i agree that by and large i attract very special men:-
MBAs(Married but Available): I have seen karma at work. These for me are out of bounds i just don't do married. No thanks, i don't need to be "taken care" of.
Older(read 33+)Single men looking to settle down who are in a rush to beat the deadline.
Foreigners, not that its a bad thing but lets be real you are here for a while there is no way to vouch that you don't have mamawatoto(3N 07)back home.
They say you have to kiss a few frogs before you get to prince charming, exactly how many is a few? In that line of thought forget prince charming and give me a man who can at least hold a conversation, well groomed, treats me with respect and we will work out the rest. Despite all i still have faith, there are a few good ones left.
19 October 2007
This Man

I love this man with every fiber of my being,with everything that i am. I would die for him yes i know its a little extreme but for him nothing is. You have been my friend the one who has demanded more out of me and inspired me to be what am now. I am always welcome and can call you without necessarily having something to tell you just to tease you or to tell you mundane details about my day. I have you to thank for my love of sports despite our countless Man u Vs Arsenal(me) debates.I love the way we stay up to talk and watch wrestling/ movies or talk politics. By the way i will bring him home just give me time to make sure that he is the one. For your support,prayers, love, friendship and for being the best dad a gal can ask for.To my numero uno man in my life, now and always Happy birthday daddy.May God Bless you and keep you. I love you.
(Ol' Skool way)Dedicate: Song for dad by Keith Urban.
Aside:Modo shares a birthday with Daddy dearest tommorow. Happy birthday and thanks for being a good friend and yes the Waragi is on the way. Many happy returns and God's blessings.
4 October 2007
Moment of Silence

Last Thursday my ex-mwendwa lost his mum and had to travel on the worst journey a child ever has to make to bury his/her mother. When i got the news it felt like i had lost my mum too i guess must be because i knew so much about her, your plans and ambitions for her. Through it all you have remained the pillar for your sis who saw it all. I admire that and seeing that i have said very little this i my small way of letting you know that you have my support, prayers and you are both in my thoughts. Tomorrow will be difficult day as we all escort her to her resting place and my prayers are with you even more. We(my friends and I) will always be here for you.
When the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality, then the saying that is written will come true: "Death has been swallowed up in victory." "Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?" (1 Corinthians 15:54-55).
27 September 2007
You dont know my name
Claimer:I got this on my hi5. Still don't have answer for him yet i figure you will give me tips or at least learn and laugh. You know what to do after the three dots, leave a comment. Edits italicized.
YOU"re the kind of lady i am searching for.How wuld you feel to have a man that will cheerish you, feel you, share you happiness and sadness all the time. A man that will be there to give you all you want, satisfy your wildest desire, touch you were no man has ever touched.
Treat you like he's queen. Devot his time and attention to please you when neccessary.
A man that will share your dreams and build up your hope and aspirations together.A soulmate, partner and friend.
The love that you've searched for.
I'm here with my hands wide open to welcome you into my own very sweet world.
You're such a beautiful and adorable sweet looking lady, any man will fall for.
My name is Oga, i am 32yrs old, fair in complexion and 6ft tall, handsome. Inteligent, loving and romantic sweet young man.I am the kind of man any woman will desire to be with.I've all it takes to please a woman, the heart and the love.
I am self employed, an artist. I live in Lagos-Nigeria.
At my leisure time I love to play basketball, painting , swimming and
rugby, have a nice time in a cool atmosphere, go to the beech, watch movies.
I'm a very highly sensitive person, I'm as well considerate and conscious.I mind how i treat people, I'm cautious.I work very hard .
I love to kiss and cuddle, I like being in a romantic mood, cos i am too I don't really say I've bad habits. I'm a very fun- loving person, kind and like to assist people. I'm not very perfect, I've my faults but I'm a good listener and I adhere to instructions and corrections
I like to be in good moods, I hate to do things that will make me unhappy
And i only seek for matured and responsible sweet looking lady, with good head and ready to settle down.I'm a Christian, I love the things of God and I believe in his faith.
I'm still single and searching for that virtuous, caring and romantic woman who'll be my partner, friend, lover and wife in the very possible time.
I'm a kind of man any woman will desire to have, I'm not the best man but I try to be the best, that's my goal. I promise to give the very best to the woman after my heart.
You can reach me on email adress or call cellphone numbers Feel free to holla te me and tell me what you feel about me...
YOU"re the kind of lady i am searching for.How wuld you feel to have a man that will cheerish you, feel you, share you happiness and sadness all the time. A man that will be there to give you all you want, satisfy your wildest desire, touch you were no man has ever touched.
Treat you like he's queen. Devot his time and attention to please you when neccessary.
A man that will share your dreams and build up your hope and aspirations together.A soulmate, partner and friend.
The love that you've searched for.
I'm here with my hands wide open to welcome you into my own very sweet world.
You're such a beautiful and adorable sweet looking lady, any man will fall for.
My name is Oga, i am 32yrs old, fair in complexion and 6ft tall, handsome. Inteligent, loving and romantic sweet young man.I am the kind of man any woman will desire to be with.I've all it takes to please a woman, the heart and the love.
I am self employed, an artist. I live in Lagos-Nigeria.
At my leisure time I love to play basketball, painting , swimming and
rugby, have a nice time in a cool atmosphere, go to the beech, watch movies.
I'm a very highly sensitive person, I'm as well considerate and conscious.I mind how i treat people, I'm cautious.I work very hard .
I love to kiss and cuddle, I like being in a romantic mood, cos i am too I don't really say I've bad habits. I'm a very fun- loving person, kind and like to assist people. I'm not very perfect, I've my faults but I'm a good listener and I adhere to instructions and corrections
I like to be in good moods, I hate to do things that will make me unhappy
And i only seek for matured and responsible sweet looking lady, with good head and ready to settle down.I'm a Christian, I love the things of God and I believe in his faith.
I'm still single and searching for that virtuous, caring and romantic woman who'll be my partner, friend, lover and wife in the very possible time.
I'm a kind of man any woman will desire to have, I'm not the best man but I try to be the best, that's my goal. I promise to give the very best to the woman after my heart.
You can reach me on email adress or call cellphone numbers Feel free to holla te me and tell me what you feel about me...
11 September 2007

One of the commandments of good relations is "don't judge a book by the cover" and i broke it. Then i spent some time with you and realized there's is really more to you. Am glad that we both took time, looking forward to greater heights of friendship. And to think that i almost lost this opportunity. Lesson learnt.
3 September 2007
Daima Kenya
My heart swells with pride for these three especially:

Luke Kibet Marathon Gold. About time we brought it back home.

Janet Jepkosgei aka Nairobi Express, Maria twas real.

Catherine the Great you bring tears to my eyes. The prayers after you finish and the women who always meet you at the airport with the Kikuyu songs.
In moment like this politics aside am more than proudly Kenyan. God bless this great country and its people wherever they maybe.

Luke Kibet Marathon Gold. About time we brought it back home.

Janet Jepkosgei aka Nairobi Express, Maria twas real.

Catherine the Great you bring tears to my eyes. The prayers after you finish and the women who always meet you at the airport with the Kikuyu songs.
In moment like this politics aside am more than proudly Kenyan. God bless this great country and its people wherever they maybe.
23 August 2007
No More Rain
15 August 2007
"Piece By Piece"

First of all must go
Your scent upon my pillow
And then I'll say goodbye
to your whispers in my dreams.
And then our lips will part
In my mind and in my heart,
Cos your kiss
Went deeper than my skin.
Piece by piece
is how I'll let go of you
Kiss by kiss
Will leave my mind one at a time
One at a time
First of all must fly,
My dreams of you and I,
There's no point of holding on to those
And then our ties will break,
For your and my own sake,
Just remember,
This is what you chose
Piece by piece
Is how I'll let go of you
Kiss by kiss,
will leave my mind one at a time
One at a time
I'll shed like skin,
Our memories of lazy days,
And fade away the shadow of your face
Piece by piece
Is how I'll let go of you
Kiss by kiss,
Will leave my mind one at a time
One at a time
One at a time
One at a time
Katie Melua
13 August 2007
Absolut BS!
They dated for a year. On Friday, she sent an SOS and came over. I offered wine and she declined that was strange i know my girl she never turns down liquor. I made her tea instead and got my wine. I asked her how is baba and she laughed then sighed.
She: mamie am pregnant".
Me: Ok, what does baba think about the whole thing?
She: he said "Woman,sort yourself out, am confused"
ME: then?
She: He hasn't called and when i call him he wont answer.
What is wrong with some men,of course you knew when you were stroking that this might happen. Confused, sort myself out? Whatever happened to confessions of undying love and forever. These are the worthless men who give good men a bad name!
She: mamie am pregnant".
Me: Ok, what does baba think about the whole thing?
She: he said "Woman,sort yourself out, am confused"
ME: then?
She: He hasn't called and when i call him he wont answer.
What is wrong with some men,of course you knew when you were stroking that this might happen. Confused, sort myself out? Whatever happened to confessions of undying love and forever. These are the worthless men who give good men a bad name!
6 August 2007
1 August 2007
Prayers & Influences
First, happy new month. The last six weeks have been an emotional roller coaster yet i chose to hang on. In the same period i have prayed more than ever and by prayer not kneeling more like all the time under my breath to God for guidance and wisdom. I asked God to show me a sign, i felt that He took so long and maybe my prayers were bouncing back i enlisted the support of my mother who in turn asked my dad and siblings in. They all didn't know what was going on but they kept at it asking that i be granted wisdom, guidance and strength. I think i have known the answer for a while but just didn't want to believe it since it wasn't what i was expecting and God has showed me signs that i chose to ignore for the same reason.Last night the answer came loud and clear.First i panicked then called Ma and after talking i was filled with peace and a sense of relief. I then got this feeling that sometimes we are too keen asking for God to open doors and maybe what we should be asking is that He closes some doors. Yet some doors have opened too wider than i ever thought.
I don't like the person that i am when am with you. I let myself become the kind of woman i have always prayed not to be yet still i have learnt that am still optimistic and discovered that i am at the end of the day a great person. Maybe i should be sad and hurt that we can no longer be but i cant help but feel relieved that we no longer are. Does this mean that it was all in my head? I must admit that i have learnt a lot from and do know where to draw the line. All the same am glad you came my way.
I don't like the person that i am when am with you. I let myself become the kind of woman i have always prayed not to be yet still i have learnt that am still optimistic and discovered that i am at the end of the day a great person. Maybe i should be sad and hurt that we can no longer be but i cant help but feel relieved that we no longer are. Does this mean that it was all in my head? I must admit that i have learnt a lot from and do know where to draw the line. All the same am glad you came my way.
30 July 2007
Tagged Again!!!
Tagged by Aco so here goes:-
1. Where is your cell phone:On the table
2. Relationship: enjoying every bit.
3. Your hair:braided.
4. Work:new challenges, loving it.
5. Your sisters: 4 by blood couple by friendship.
6. Your favorite things: Books, cuddles, strokes, liquor, family,music, friends, traveling just a few...
7. Your dream last night:too busy no dreams
8. Your favorite drink:Tusker Malt,Sambucca, Fresh juice
9. Your dream car:Range Rover TD6, Toyota Hilux SR5
10. The room you’re in:loads of nice music
11. Your shoes: not enough
12. Your fears: death of a loved one.
13. What do you want to be in 10 years:a mile from here.
14. Who did you hang out with this weekend:camping with mwendwa
15. What are you not good at: Asking for help
16. Muffins? some from Lavazza coffee house
17. Wish-list item: digital camera
18. Where you grew up: Naivasha
19. The last thing you did: talk to mwendwa
20. What are you wearing: pants,sweater,shirt,bra,shoes,watch,string.
21. What are you not wearing:hmmmm
22. Your favorite pet:dont do pets.
23. Your computer:full of music and downloads
24. Your life:great
25. Your mood: grateful
26. Missing:baby sister in boarding
27. What are you thinking about:mwendwa's departure
28. Your dream location:Carribean
29. Your Ex:Married and still chasing.
30. Your Favorite Item:my phone
31. Your favorite color:red, orange and blue
32. Last time you laughed:this morning
33. Last time you cried:whenever my folks call.
34. School:Can’t wait to go back.
35. Love:is a verb.
1. Where is your cell phone:On the table
2. Relationship: enjoying every bit.
3. Your hair:braided.
4. Work:new challenges, loving it.
5. Your sisters: 4 by blood couple by friendship.
6. Your favorite things: Books, cuddles, strokes, liquor, family,music, friends, traveling just a few...
7. Your dream last night:too busy no dreams
8. Your favorite drink:Tusker Malt,Sambucca, Fresh juice
9. Your dream car:Range Rover TD6, Toyota Hilux SR5
10. The room you’re in:loads of nice music
11. Your shoes: not enough
12. Your fears: death of a loved one.
13. What do you want to be in 10 years:a mile from here.
14. Who did you hang out with this weekend:camping with mwendwa
15. What are you not good at: Asking for help
16. Muffins? some from Lavazza coffee house
17. Wish-list item: digital camera
18. Where you grew up: Naivasha
19. The last thing you did: talk to mwendwa
20. What are you wearing: pants,sweater,shirt,bra,shoes,watch,string.
21. What are you not wearing:hmmmm
22. Your favorite pet:dont do pets.
23. Your computer:full of music and downloads
24. Your life:great
25. Your mood: grateful
26. Missing:baby sister in boarding
27. What are you thinking about:mwendwa's departure
28. Your dream location:Carribean
29. Your Ex:Married and still chasing.
30. Your Favorite Item:my phone
31. Your favorite color:red, orange and blue
32. Last time you laughed:this morning
33. Last time you cried:whenever my folks call.
34. School:Can’t wait to go back.
35. Love:is a verb.
18 July 2007
Tagged by Prettylyf
The Rules are:-
1. We have to post these rules before we give you the facts.
2. Players start with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
3. People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
4. At the end of your blog post, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
5. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.
Island Spice's 8 were a great read and juicy too.Here goes,
1. I don't know how to just show up at people's houses i have to call in advance to confirm that its okay for me to come over. Its so bad that i call my folks to let them know that i will be coming over.
2. I love being alone i can spend time alone without feeling the need for company. I sometimes will go out clubbing, to the movies or even functions alone plus the ability to just make random decisions on what next without having to refer to someone else.
3. I will normally take your word for it so that i expect that when you say you will do something you will and if you cant you will let me know in advance that you cant. A little naive but that's me.
4. I pray that i get married just so that i don't grow old alone, i admire how my folks just hang out the two of the them now that the nest is empty. While at it i would rather marry my friend since i think sometimes love is not enough.
5. I love to read if i could quit my job, be a professional student and have my bills sorted i would do it. I love school and books don't think i can get enough hence my going back to school and having my doctorate at 30( God willing).
6. Of men: I love older men(>=30 young;used to love and date foreigners just not white something about going black then one homeboy, been home since bla bla bla.
7. I believe in God and love going to church. I believe that then my Ma prays it will happen and will often call her asking she prays about something or the other.
8. I can be bossy, mwendwa can attest to that, but am working on it.
By the powers vested in me i tag *drum roll*
Auntie Richie
La Cubana Gringa
The Rules are:-
1. We have to post these rules before we give you the facts.
2. Players start with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
3. People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
4. At the end of your blog post, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
5. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.
Island Spice's 8 were a great read and juicy too.Here goes,
1. I don't know how to just show up at people's houses i have to call in advance to confirm that its okay for me to come over. Its so bad that i call my folks to let them know that i will be coming over.
2. I love being alone i can spend time alone without feeling the need for company. I sometimes will go out clubbing, to the movies or even functions alone plus the ability to just make random decisions on what next without having to refer to someone else.
3. I will normally take your word for it so that i expect that when you say you will do something you will and if you cant you will let me know in advance that you cant. A little naive but that's me.
4. I pray that i get married just so that i don't grow old alone, i admire how my folks just hang out the two of the them now that the nest is empty. While at it i would rather marry my friend since i think sometimes love is not enough.
5. I love to read if i could quit my job, be a professional student and have my bills sorted i would do it. I love school and books don't think i can get enough hence my going back to school and having my doctorate at 30( God willing).
6. Of men: I love older men(>=30 young;used to love and date foreigners just not white something about going black then one homeboy, been home since bla bla bla.
7. I believe in God and love going to church. I believe that then my Ma prays it will happen and will often call her asking she prays about something or the other.
8. I can be bossy, mwendwa can attest to that, but am working on it.
By the powers vested in me i tag *drum roll*
5 July 2007
29 June 2007
Anniversary & Errs
Tomorrow, we hit the terrible twos. Hard to believe that its already been two years of blogging,blog-hoing, meet ups et al. First, Gish and i wish to thank all those who have taken time to comment and/or lurk. Secondly, we are ever so grateful to the friends we have made(anaa post). Thank you for taking time.
I lashed out and hurt two people badly.Unfortunately both have no idea why they were treated the way they were.I have apologized to both and i pray that we can make up. The thought of losing their friendship is driving me nuts and makes me so sad. Aint no sunshine.
AOB: The new Psys Westlands is looking good. Location, where Midas used to be Unga house.Happy weekend people.
I lashed out and hurt two people badly.Unfortunately both have no idea why they were treated the way they were.I have apologized to both and i pray that we can make up. The thought of losing their friendship is driving me nuts and makes me so sad. Aint no sunshine.
AOB: The new Psys Westlands is looking good. Location, where Midas used to be Unga house.Happy weekend people.
28 June 2007
I want to Run Away
by Karen C Vanderlaan
sometimes, life is just tough.....
I want to run away,
Just be gone – check out
I long to hide away
And bury my head in my hands
To just cry until I am all cried out
Done - no tears left
Cry till all the sad is gone
I wish for long, long hours to sleep
To rise only to return and slip back
between sheets that never cooled
I desire the sleep of no interruption
Till all the exhaustion has lifted
From my heavily laden eyes
But… none of this will I do
I will get up each day the crack of dawn
I will continue the endless motions
That make this life of mine work
Putting one foot in front of the other
Over and over again
sometimes, life is just tough.....
I want to run away,
Just be gone – check out
I long to hide away
And bury my head in my hands
To just cry until I am all cried out
Done - no tears left
Cry till all the sad is gone
I wish for long, long hours to sleep
To rise only to return and slip back
between sheets that never cooled
I desire the sleep of no interruption
Till all the exhaustion has lifted
From my heavily laden eyes
But… none of this will I do
I will get up each day the crack of dawn
I will continue the endless motions
That make this life of mine work
Putting one foot in front of the other
Over and over again
27 June 2007

Dunno how to explain this but am just full of jumbled up emotions.I hate this ride, sometimes feeling vulnerable,insecure,unsure and others feeling like the luckiest woman alive.Today am at the bottom.
I take friendships very seriously. My close friends i can count on one hand. I have the habit of keeping people at arms length and not getting so attached but when i do its hook, line and sinker. The distance will normally help when i need to walk away, am one of those who when i walk i just keep at it. I hate it when a supposed friend who knows i posses a certain quality exploits it. I will most often take loads of crap, point it out to you to rectify if the said manners persist then i will walk away. I think sometimes its better to leave early than to wait until it is so bad this way there is at least a chance that we can be courteous to each other when we meet.
I try my best to be a good friend and get very disappointed when it feels like the effort is one-sided. At this point i will be forced to do a cost-benefit analysis which often results to me counting my losses and aborting the mission. Right now, there's an ongoing audit. I know that should i choose to walk away from this, it will hurt like hell yet part of me is sure that we will be ok.
Love or Lust?
In the words of Dr. John H. Sklare, knowing if you are in love is easy for some but difficult for others. I also have a strong professional inkling that, since this is a feelings type of question, it’s an issue that we men struggle with more than women do. Let me begin this discussion, however, with a simple statement that I always use to help people think this love question through. I think there are basically two reasons why people are drawn together. If I can be so bold as to greatly oversimplify, it’s either because of want or it’s because of need. In my opinion, relationships based on want are the happiest and most satisfying. Those that are based on need tend to be more emotionally volatile and a lot less gratifying. In short, love is healthiest and at its very best when it is framed around two people who want to be together.
Another issue that makes this difficult arises when one tends to confuse love with lust. There are definitely some tangential elements of love involved in lust, but lust is primarily a physical longing, whereas love is a much deeper and comprehensive emotional experience. In short, lust is often what draws people together, but it’s love that keeps them there. Love involves a deep and genuine respect and caring that only comes after you get to know that other person very well over time. On the other hand, since lust is primarily a physical matter, it doesn’t demand any personal knowledge of that other person at all, and it certainly doesn’t require respect or commitment. I believe that you know it is love when you truly think of that other person as a dear friend that you can’t imagine life without and would gladly, as they say, take a bullet for. Love is about the daily realities of respect, commitment and compatibility whereas lust is a much more fleeting experience that takes place more in one’s fantasy life than one’s real life. So, I suggest you ask yourself whether you need this person in your life or you truly want this person in your life. If you can’t bear the thought of not having this person in your day and you want to spend the rest of your days together, I suggest it’s time to admit that love is in the air! So what do you think? Is it love or is it lust? Only you know the answer to that question!
Another issue that makes this difficult arises when one tends to confuse love with lust. There are definitely some tangential elements of love involved in lust, but lust is primarily a physical longing, whereas love is a much deeper and comprehensive emotional experience. In short, lust is often what draws people together, but it’s love that keeps them there. Love involves a deep and genuine respect and caring that only comes after you get to know that other person very well over time. On the other hand, since lust is primarily a physical matter, it doesn’t demand any personal knowledge of that other person at all, and it certainly doesn’t require respect or commitment. I believe that you know it is love when you truly think of that other person as a dear friend that you can’t imagine life without and would gladly, as they say, take a bullet for. Love is about the daily realities of respect, commitment and compatibility whereas lust is a much more fleeting experience that takes place more in one’s fantasy life than one’s real life. So, I suggest you ask yourself whether you need this person in your life or you truly want this person in your life. If you can’t bear the thought of not having this person in your day and you want to spend the rest of your days together, I suggest it’s time to admit that love is in the air! So what do you think? Is it love or is it lust? Only you know the answer to that question!
13 June 2007
My Music
First off to all who have passed this way no am not snobbing. Below is music that has been keeping me sane while down under...

Eric Wainaina has an album out called Twende Twende a brother can sing. This album has me dancing in my chair, picking favorites is almost impossible but i do love twende twende- feat. Oliver Mtukudzi, Jana ni Jana, Adhiambo (though i cant understand it but the beat is timam).
Tz 70's Jazz bands,Taarab
Download Zilizopendwa
I shall be back soon. Thanks y'all.

Eric Wainaina has an album out called Twende Twende a brother can sing. This album has me dancing in my chair, picking favorites is almost impossible but i do love twende twende- feat. Oliver Mtukudzi, Jana ni Jana, Adhiambo (though i cant understand it but the beat is timam).
I shall be back soon. Thanks y'all.
25 May 2007
27 April 2007
Happy Birthday
25 April 2007
Mid-Week Malaria
Disclaimer: this post was thought up whilst stuck in jam, left to stare for long periods at smoking bonnets/hood.
Now moving on swiftly,Words, that should be in the dictionary:-
Customer Service; the tout who covered me as i folded my umbrella and made sure that the driver came as close as possible.
Bliss; me plus hot cup of Bournvita as i type this.
Funny; in hindsight, me at GPO, with a blown umbrella screaming a few unprintables.
Kung fu; the sight of me suspended below the hand drier.
Si heri you=dislike;; anybody still in bed at the time of going to press that includes you A.
Malaria; my boys define this as mood swings, tantrums etc. Used in the context where one minute your girl is fine the next she is sulking and no one can explain why.
Miracle; hoping to walk on water without getting wet.
Malice; when the rain starts at 6am to 9am and again at 4pm to 7pm.
Mockery;freezing cold under a billboard with a picture of hot tea being poured.
Not-So-Bright; anyone who insists on using an umbrella while walking under building and even worse wearing a sleeveless shirt then shivering, rubbing frantically to generate heat.
Revenge; me buying a family size umbrella.
Science; the exact positioning of the umbrella when its raining so that both my derrière and the twins are covered sufficiently.
Stoopid; any driver who splashes water at a pedestrian. You wait until i get my magic shoes(see below).
I told A, what i wish for and she thinks i just might be a few letters short of the alphabet.Allow me to explain,there used to be this story book called magic shoes. Now that is exactly what i want; magic shoes that when worn make me invisible. Can you imagine the things i could do if i was invisible *sighs*?Al i can say i would do my best to do good where good is relative, no guarantees.
Then its rainy and cold in Nairobi. Its so cold that i have reverted to sleeping in a sweater, socks and tracks, at least in the event of a fire am set. A while back, someone suggested that to create jobs how about starting an agency where you can hire someone to sleep next to you and keep you warm no strings attached. Am sure that would sell if only now i could guarantee that some customers wont ask for extras *smh, maybe a contract would do, Shiroh, any ideas?
Now moving on swiftly,Words, that should be in the dictionary:-
Customer Service; the tout who covered me as i folded my umbrella and made sure that the driver came as close as possible.
Bliss; me plus hot cup of Bournvita as i type this.
Funny; in hindsight, me at GPO, with a blown umbrella screaming a few unprintables.
Kung fu; the sight of me suspended below the hand drier.
Si heri you=dislike;; anybody still in bed at the time of going to press that includes you A.
Malaria; my boys define this as mood swings, tantrums etc. Used in the context where one minute your girl is fine the next she is sulking and no one can explain why.
Miracle; hoping to walk on water without getting wet.
Malice; when the rain starts at 6am to 9am and again at 4pm to 7pm.
Mockery;freezing cold under a billboard with a picture of hot tea being poured.
Not-So-Bright; anyone who insists on using an umbrella while walking under building and even worse wearing a sleeveless shirt then shivering, rubbing frantically to generate heat.
Revenge; me buying a family size umbrella.
Science; the exact positioning of the umbrella when its raining so that both my derrière and the twins are covered sufficiently.
Stoopid; any driver who splashes water at a pedestrian. You wait until i get my magic shoes(see below).
I told A, what i wish for and she thinks i just might be a few letters short of the alphabet.Allow me to explain,there used to be this story book called magic shoes. Now that is exactly what i want; magic shoes that when worn make me invisible. Can you imagine the things i could do if i was invisible *sighs*?Al i can say i would do my best to do good where good is relative, no guarantees.
Then its rainy and cold in Nairobi. Its so cold that i have reverted to sleeping in a sweater, socks and tracks, at least in the event of a fire am set. A while back, someone suggested that to create jobs how about starting an agency where you can hire someone to sleep next to you and keep you warm no strings attached. Am sure that would sell if only now i could guarantee that some customers wont ask for extras *smh, maybe a contract would do, Shiroh, any ideas?
24 April 2007
18 April 2007
Now that the insomnia is over finally,i can have the dreams. The song below is one of my all time favorites it never became a hit yet it does it for me.In true high school fashion, i want to dedicate this song to someone who always makes it alright for me.
With mingi love to W,what more can a girl ask for,thanks.
With mingi love to W,what more can a girl ask for,thanks.
11 April 2007
You are invited.
(click on pic to enlarge)
This is an invitation to the Korogocho Medical Camp that's being organized Rotary Club of Nairobi East. We need volunteers form medical practitioners/ students and others like me who know nothing about medicine for other administrative tasks
Please inform your members that there will be free transport from Toona Tree at Museum Hill from 7pm. People are expected to assemble there at 7am with departure scheduled for 7.30am. There will also be free lunch.This is an opportunity to serve the community and all thats required is your time and energy.
Service is working and giving, and not regretting the cost;
Its knowing and understanding that no good deed will be lost.
This is an invitation to the Korogocho Medical Camp that's being organized Rotary Club of Nairobi East. We need volunteers form medical practitioners/ students and others like me who know nothing about medicine for other administrative tasks
Please inform your members that there will be free transport from Toona Tree at Museum Hill from 7pm. People are expected to assemble there at 7am with departure scheduled for 7.30am. There will also be free lunch.This is an opportunity to serve the community and all thats required is your time and energy.
Service is working and giving, and not regretting the cost;
Its knowing and understanding that no good deed will be lost.
5 April 2007
Easter blessings
what does the cross of Jesus mean?
it's more than songs we sing
much more than the emblem on your chain
but it means i am free
from the chains of slavery
and the blood he shed won't let my sins remain
upon the cross my savior died
the lamb was crucified
showed us love that this world has never known
oh what love divine
truer love you'll never find
o that we might live
love came and died alone
for the cross will always represent the love God has for me
when the Lord of glory heaven-sent gave all on calvary
(he did it) just for me, just for me
Jesus came and did it just for me
just for me, just for me
Jesus came and did it just for me
just for me, just for me
Jesus came and did it just for me
by Donnie Mcclurkin
God's blessings to you and yours this Easter and everyday.
it's more than songs we sing
much more than the emblem on your chain
but it means i am free
from the chains of slavery
and the blood he shed won't let my sins remain
upon the cross my savior died
the lamb was crucified
showed us love that this world has never known
oh what love divine
truer love you'll never find
o that we might live
love came and died alone
for the cross will always represent the love God has for me
when the Lord of glory heaven-sent gave all on calvary
(he did it) just for me, just for me
Jesus came and did it just for me
just for me, just for me
Jesus came and did it just for me
just for me, just for me
Jesus came and did it just for me
by Donnie Mcclurkin
God's blessings to you and yours this Easter and everyday.
31 March 2007
A lot has been happening and thank God its by large positive, answers to my prayers that part of me had given up on. I prayed,asked,begged then figured that if it was to happen then it will happen. Its official and final that in Sept i will be sitting in class again trying to figure out how i used to read till 3am in the morning and trying hard not to doze after a long day at work. I love to read only that i read for pleasure but this is different i have to remember and apply this stuff.Yet sept is just the beginning, am excited and psyched hope it lasts.
I laughed at a friend last week when she asked what she does with a straight face she answered she's a business-girl. Whats with this fear of age and growing old so that we shy away from telling our age? I love being my age wouldn't trade it nor would i do it all over differently. I like to think that am at an age where i know what i want, how, when and what i need to do to get to it and how far i need to go to get it of course with boundaries.
I have had the privilege of dating men most of whom have influenced my thinking and mannerisms in largely a positive way. When we were younger, my friends and i had this list that served as a measure of suitability. There was the firm muscled body, the car, the ability to entertain all night, the looks and for a while that was that. The older i get the more the list has shortened and become realistic. Now there are some things that non-negotiable yet there is the 6-pack that can be traded in for a small to medium keg. With time and experience i have learnt to differentiate what i can compromise or not.
I grew up in church,participated in all things presbyterian and my folks held positions in church. Now am alone here and i still go to church only without consistency. I love God and church its the one place that i fell at peace most just dunno what is happening, i used to be able to do my devotion and pray.Lately somehow there is something happening on Sunday, wake up late or i sleep halfway through my prayers. They say prayer is conversation if so am failing miserably my prayers feel so empty like rehearsed verses.
The other day i realized that i only have a handful of people i can count on.Ever had one of those moments that you need to talk to someone badly. I was not looking for advice i just needed to be heard. So i scrolled through my contacts on phone and eventually picked the one person am not even close to and he dropped everything and heard me out. Called me back after my credit ran out and came over to ensure i was ok.Clearly he just earned double friendship points.Funny how you know so many people yet can count on so few when in trouble then why have all these numbers and yet they mean naught.
I have decided,God willing i want to get married not for children that i can do without the till death but just for the companionship. I look at my folks who now have an empty nest just the two of them and i don't want to grow old alone. for example whenever i visit they will take time to update me on the happenings of the Bold and the Beautiful of course with their opinions about the characters. Its just great to see them hanging out and i want that. While on marriage, what happens when forever doesn't look so daunting?
Oh and yes i will start jogging or pay for that gym that has been on my to-do-list. Yes Stunuh is i could also use some prayers.Or maybe i should join Ichiena in her swimming classes oh the dilemma.
I laughed at a friend last week when she asked what she does with a straight face she answered she's a business-girl. Whats with this fear of age and growing old so that we shy away from telling our age? I love being my age wouldn't trade it nor would i do it all over differently. I like to think that am at an age where i know what i want, how, when and what i need to do to get to it and how far i need to go to get it of course with boundaries.
I have had the privilege of dating men most of whom have influenced my thinking and mannerisms in largely a positive way. When we were younger, my friends and i had this list that served as a measure of suitability. There was the firm muscled body, the car, the ability to entertain all night, the looks and for a while that was that. The older i get the more the list has shortened and become realistic. Now there are some things that non-negotiable yet there is the 6-pack that can be traded in for a small to medium keg. With time and experience i have learnt to differentiate what i can compromise or not.
I grew up in church,participated in all things presbyterian and my folks held positions in church. Now am alone here and i still go to church only without consistency. I love God and church its the one place that i fell at peace most just dunno what is happening, i used to be able to do my devotion and pray.Lately somehow there is something happening on Sunday, wake up late or i sleep halfway through my prayers. They say prayer is conversation if so am failing miserably my prayers feel so empty like rehearsed verses.
The other day i realized that i only have a handful of people i can count on.Ever had one of those moments that you need to talk to someone badly. I was not looking for advice i just needed to be heard. So i scrolled through my contacts on phone and eventually picked the one person am not even close to and he dropped everything and heard me out. Called me back after my credit ran out and came over to ensure i was ok.Clearly he just earned double friendship points.Funny how you know so many people yet can count on so few when in trouble then why have all these numbers and yet they mean naught.
I have decided,God willing i want to get married not for children that i can do without the till death but just for the companionship. I look at my folks who now have an empty nest just the two of them and i don't want to grow old alone. for example whenever i visit they will take time to update me on the happenings of the Bold and the Beautiful of course with their opinions about the characters. Its just great to see them hanging out and i want that. While on marriage, what happens when forever doesn't look so daunting?
Oh and yes i will start jogging or pay for that gym that has been on my to-do-list. Yes Stunuh is i could also use some prayers.Or maybe i should join Ichiena in her swimming classes oh the dilemma.
22 March 2007
...then he made man.
Guess did a pieceWhat do men want. Then i got the following via mail:-
Personally I wouldn't marry someone I don't know. You need to know what you
are committing yourself to. After all we are talking about a life-long
commitment. Like the author, I also don't believe that one should be in a
relationship for five years before committing without a sound reason,
whatever that means. The point is: five years is too long a time for two
people to be involved without any progress.
They stay in relationships with hope. My advice to all the women is:
Start from now and ask your long relationship partner what he thinks about
I am a man myself but I am sure that it will not take me years to marry a
woman once I get a right woman with all the qualities or I need, I will get
married immediately. It will not take years, a year will be too long,
and a delay will be caused by arrangements. I also blame you women why
don't you ask your partners?
There are plenty guys who are interested in you but you always tell them
about your boyfriend that you have been involved for 4yrs and you are
happy, my question is if you are happy why are you in relationship for so
long (4yrs) without marriage Women are not clever enough when it comes to
do a feasibility study about men.
WAKE UP AND ASK HIM (boyfriend): What will be my future with you? Do not
take excuses? Tell him your future plans enough is enough ask him what he
is waiting for? If possible give him your parents' address and he must tell
them what he wants from you. If he came to play around with you he will
never come back. You must rather stay without a man rather than wasting
your time with someone who will hurt you and leave you, for how long will
you live like that? Once you are able to do that you will see the
future you were dreaming of.
relationships ask your boyfriends today, if he is mumbling, leave him
because you will be depressed one day if you find out that he is getting
married to someone whom he met within 4 months. Imagine (4years =
4months) I am just picturing how your feeling will be? Ladies stay away
from those relationships, they are 3% useful and 97% wasting your time.
There could be someone out there who was going to marry you during this
4yrs maybe it was going to take him a year to marry you but you refused you
wanted to stay in a relationship with no due date. We are all working
according to time (Projects, Deliveries, Purchasing, Contracts, etc.) Why
Not Love Affairs?
I have sisters I always tell them because I want the best for them.
Some of you might not agree but I am sure this can help some of you.
He is not willing to commit to her and constantly has his eye open for
something better or is waiting for her to become something better. Point
blank. When he finds a woman that he is satisfied with, he will make her
his wife. And ladies, sorry to tell some of you, but it doesn't take 4 or 5
years for that man to figure it out. It doesn't take 2 or 3 years either.
The only reason that a man will get married after that long of a time is
because he's tired of looking for something better. And trust me, that's
definitely what he was doing all of those years. So if you should happen to
find yourself in one of those "long term" relationships then maybe you
should step back, take a look at yourself and wonder what it is that
you're missing by doing favors for this man who is not willing to
fully commit.
Don't make excuses to yourself and your girlfriends saying things like "Oh
he's waiting till he gets a better job" or "he's waiting to finish school"
or "he's waiting until he moves from his apartment to a house". DON'T FOOL
Which one of those things can't be done with a wife or fiancé' by your
side? So ladies, when you read this think about your situation and that man
that you are living with, or the one that you spend many nights over his
house or him over yours. Think about your baby's father that you are still
in a sexual relationship with. Think about your "ex" that you are in a
sexual relationship with. Think about your "boyfriend". And definitely
think twice before you brag on a relationship that's a couple of years
long and you still have no commitment.
Like I've said before, I'm a man and I know the situation. I've been there
and I know that we can come up with some extremely reasonable excuses,
"Ladies, can I get an Amen!!"
"Guys, let's be honest"
So what do men want?
Personally I wouldn't marry someone I don't know. You need to know what you
are committing yourself to. After all we are talking about a life-long
commitment. Like the author, I also don't believe that one should be in a
relationship for five years before committing without a sound reason,
whatever that means. The point is: five years is too long a time for two
people to be involved without any progress.
They stay in relationships with hope. My advice to all the women is:
Start from now and ask your long relationship partner what he thinks about
I am a man myself but I am sure that it will not take me years to marry a
woman once I get a right woman with all the qualities or I need, I will get
married immediately. It will not take years, a year will be too long,
and a delay will be caused by arrangements. I also blame you women why
don't you ask your partners?
There are plenty guys who are interested in you but you always tell them
about your boyfriend that you have been involved for 4yrs and you are
happy, my question is if you are happy why are you in relationship for so
long (4yrs) without marriage Women are not clever enough when it comes to
do a feasibility study about men.
WAKE UP AND ASK HIM (boyfriend): What will be my future with you? Do not
take excuses? Tell him your future plans enough is enough ask him what he
is waiting for? If possible give him your parents' address and he must tell
them what he wants from you. If he came to play around with you he will
never come back. You must rather stay without a man rather than wasting
your time with someone who will hurt you and leave you, for how long will
you live like that? Once you are able to do that you will see the
future you were dreaming of.
relationships ask your boyfriends today, if he is mumbling, leave him
because you will be depressed one day if you find out that he is getting
married to someone whom he met within 4 months. Imagine (4years =
4months) I am just picturing how your feeling will be? Ladies stay away
from those relationships, they are 3% useful and 97% wasting your time.
There could be someone out there who was going to marry you during this
4yrs maybe it was going to take him a year to marry you but you refused you
wanted to stay in a relationship with no due date. We are all working
according to time (Projects, Deliveries, Purchasing, Contracts, etc.) Why
Not Love Affairs?
I have sisters I always tell them because I want the best for them.
Some of you might not agree but I am sure this can help some of you.
He is not willing to commit to her and constantly has his eye open for
something better or is waiting for her to become something better. Point
blank. When he finds a woman that he is satisfied with, he will make her
his wife. And ladies, sorry to tell some of you, but it doesn't take 4 or 5
years for that man to figure it out. It doesn't take 2 or 3 years either.
The only reason that a man will get married after that long of a time is
because he's tired of looking for something better. And trust me, that's
definitely what he was doing all of those years. So if you should happen to
find yourself in one of those "long term" relationships then maybe you
should step back, take a look at yourself and wonder what it is that
you're missing by doing favors for this man who is not willing to
fully commit.
Don't make excuses to yourself and your girlfriends saying things like "Oh
he's waiting till he gets a better job" or "he's waiting to finish school"
or "he's waiting until he moves from his apartment to a house". DON'T FOOL
Which one of those things can't be done with a wife or fiancé' by your
side? So ladies, when you read this think about your situation and that man
that you are living with, or the one that you spend many nights over his
house or him over yours. Think about your baby's father that you are still
in a sexual relationship with. Think about your "ex" that you are in a
sexual relationship with. Think about your "boyfriend". And definitely
think twice before you brag on a relationship that's a couple of years
long and you still have no commitment.
Like I've said before, I'm a man and I know the situation. I've been there
and I know that we can come up with some extremely reasonable excuses,
"Ladies, can I get an Amen!!"
"Guys, let's be honest"
So what do men want?
12 March 2007
3 March 2007
...Like Sunday Morning

I have come to know and admire this acquittance turned friend. I am one of those people if let to have their way would like a sneak preview into my future at least on most days. I would like to know if i my dreams are achieved, the man God has kept for me, my children if ever, down to where and when i will die. Talk of taking the joys of suspense out of the story, ok maybe just the highlights and let me worry about the smaller events. Am your average worrier and control freak, i have this plan of my life where i think what should happen when and have counter plans in the event that the real thing doesn't fly due to one thing or the other. My friend is one of the most chilled out persons i have met, you know taking everything in stride vis a vie me who panics then implements the fall back. After spending time with them am learning how to relax, enjoy the experience and yeah remain calm.I am truly one of those people who the phrase " Be still" was meant for. Not bad for the average busy body maybe i can get used to this i hope its contagious.
For the past two nights i have been working at night and this has left lots of room to think and review and re-strategize.I am learning that life doesn't always follow the script sometimes the forces that be put a spin maybe so that i learn something or maybe for the heck of it. I have learnt that i don't owe anyone an explanation for anything. It has never been clearer that i always have a choice and the choices are more thought out.
He always came across to me as the playing type the kind that cannot be held down until the other day when in conversation he mentioned that he was on the BT. So am puzzled because i know he has a girlfriend so i just assumed that he was one of those who wave as the BT passses. Out of curiosity and down right nosey, i asked wassup so he says they decided to wait. Really its been a while since i heard of a couple waiting, that has me thinking... Do couples still wait, i dunno for what but do they still wait?
21 February 2007
16 February 2007
The Mlolongo Saga...
Once upon a time during Easter break and i was home alone seeing that i was on duty that holiday so no chance of Rendezvous right?. Wrong! Being a Sunday i decided to go
make peace with God an sincerely pass time. I am as presbyterian as they come and
you now know that our service will start at 1100hrs and end somewhere after
1300hrs that is after the greeting and how-do-you-dos then i would find stuff to
do. So all dolled out in my church clothes, i sauntered to church. There is
always a problem when you are looking goo and you know it. So much so that when a
brother hollered the hips especially got a like of their own. So he steeped up and
unleashed vibe and seeing that i was running later i asked him to give me his
number and i would call him after church.
After church, back in the crib am all bored so i holler at the brother and he
says he will be by to pick me up. So we decided to go for Nyama Choma and then
watch soccer, after careful consideration it was decided whilst we were already
on Mombasa Road that we should go watch it at Mlolongo some place he knew. Next
stop, The Kraal, and there was small talk, soccer, one nyama, one beer two beer
many. At around 1800hrs we agreed that we had better head back seeing that we had
had quite a number so we headed back. Now on the way, he asked to stop at a place
and i obliged so i was left in the car whilst he went in name of the place,
Continental Bar and Lodging. I figured he had to answer mother natures call. So we
drive on for like 10 mins and see a place called Tops that seemed to be kicking
and we agreed to have one last one. So after the one last one, we headed back to
the car then she was driving heading from whence we had come so i asked him to
stop at some petrol station. We are sitting in the car arguing over where he
thinks he is going when he mentions in passing that he had booked a room. First i
grab my bag and get out of the car. Drama begins as we start to argue, insults
are hurled back and forth. Luckily, there are cops around who intervene and ask
us to get into the car and leave and the follow their own advice. So this guy
passing by asks if he can take me "home" of course after the whole story has been
told and i thank hi and decline. By then am hysterical, i am cussing at him and
he is trying to calm me down then he gets fed up and asks me what did i expect
that it was all for free. In my head" kwanza nikakushukua nyubani tena na gari
yangu, arafu nimekununuria nyama tena shoma, arafu umekura na ugari na kashumbari
tena iko na firifiri, arafu nimenunua pobe tena baridi aaaah shuma rasima irare
dani..". Clearly that was not in the agenda for me so the argument went on as if
on cue the cops were here. We were bundled in the back of the police Lorry. Now i
sobered up, after i was done crying, i called R, who is my godson's daddy.Oh he was higher than me and in a pub that was so noisy...
Gish: hi, i have been busted by cops and they are taking us to Mlolongo police
R: ati (laughs ) wacha ujinga (laughs some more)
(he passes the phone to his cousin)
J: ati Mlolongo uko sure (laughs)
(back to BD)
R: uko mlolongo sawa basi kesho asubuhi (laughs ) enjoy!
By then we are the police station. MOre drama i stand the sight of him almost
made me regurgitate. So the process of being logged in began, Ladies first, mark
you i was in a skirt, heels and shawl. So the contents of my bag were logged in
then was asked to remove my shoe, that didnt work well so they let me keep both
seeing that i limping by then more sober than a judge. So we were shown to our
humble abode, some office converted to hold female offenders seeing that it was
peak season and the cells were full. Once locked up safely, the sharing began
what were you doing and in the process my story was told. "(in a kao accent)Ati
alikulipia condinendal ukakataa, loom za one thousand? asi"
Much later when the cops were bored, i was called out and given an update.
Apparently, dude mentioned that i was the girlfriend. It didnt help either that
all the cops that night were Merus, so i was told that the dude aka bwana yako
had a lot of money since he had logged in USD 300 and some Kshs.25K and they went
on and on and on. After that i was escorted back to the cell and allowed to use
my phone. I never knew you can sleep whilst standing, so shortly it was morning.
We were called out two of us to sweep outside after which "tea" was served
clearly i wasn't going to take it. Whilst peeping out i was the ever familiar
plates and two figures emerge. The rescue team was here. So we had to wait for
the OCS who came and did the roll call. Now here he calls out your name, you
answer sir! when he got to me he asked which college i was in and i lied. Then
with an evil grin sarcastically asks," Walikutoa kwa darasalaughter>eh?"
After what seemed like eternity i was called out and went to some office for
processing. We were made to sit next to each other really close then signed off
and let to go. So i get out R&J make me stand in sun so that i can rid myself of
the smell of the cell. Shortly, this guy walks up to me and introduces himself as
the Dude's brother then proceeds to ask if i knew that dude was married and am
like NO. he gives his apologies and we leave. After that fed, caned, taunted,
taken home and made to swear that next time i want nyama so bad i will call them.
make peace with God an sincerely pass time. I am as presbyterian as they come and
you now know that our service will start at 1100hrs and end somewhere after
1300hrs that is after the greeting and how-do-you-dos then i would find stuff to
do. So all dolled out in my church clothes, i sauntered to church. There is
always a problem when you are looking goo and you know it. So much so that when a
brother hollered the hips especially got a like of their own. So he steeped up and
unleashed vibe and seeing that i was running later i asked him to give me his
number and i would call him after church.
After church, back in the crib am all bored so i holler at the brother and he
says he will be by to pick me up. So we decided to go for Nyama Choma and then
watch soccer, after careful consideration it was decided whilst we were already
on Mombasa Road that we should go watch it at Mlolongo some place he knew. Next
stop, The Kraal, and there was small talk, soccer, one nyama, one beer two beer
many. At around 1800hrs we agreed that we had better head back seeing that we had
had quite a number so we headed back. Now on the way, he asked to stop at a place
and i obliged so i was left in the car whilst he went in name of the place,
Continental Bar and Lodging. I figured he had to answer mother natures call. So we
drive on for like 10 mins and see a place called Tops that seemed to be kicking
and we agreed to have one last one. So after the one last one, we headed back to
the car then she was driving heading from whence we had come so i asked him to
stop at some petrol station. We are sitting in the car arguing over where he
thinks he is going when he mentions in passing that he had booked a room. First i
grab my bag and get out of the car. Drama begins as we start to argue, insults
are hurled back and forth. Luckily, there are cops around who intervene and ask
us to get into the car and leave and the follow their own advice. So this guy
passing by asks if he can take me "home" of course after the whole story has been
told and i thank hi and decline. By then am hysterical, i am cussing at him and
he is trying to calm me down then he gets fed up and asks me what did i expect
that it was all for free. In my head" kwanza nikakushukua nyubani tena na gari
yangu, arafu nimekununuria nyama tena shoma, arafu umekura na ugari na kashumbari
tena iko na firifiri, arafu nimenunua pobe tena baridi aaaah shuma rasima irare
dani..". Clearly that was not in the agenda for me so the argument went on as if
on cue the cops were here. We were bundled in the back of the police Lorry. Now i
sobered up, after i was done crying, i called R, who is my godson's daddy.Oh he was higher than me and in a pub that was so noisy...
Gish: hi, i have been busted by cops and they are taking us to Mlolongo police
R: ati (laughs ) wacha ujinga (laughs some more)
(he passes the phone to his cousin)
J: ati Mlolongo uko sure (laughs)
(back to BD)
R: uko mlolongo sawa basi kesho asubuhi (laughs ) enjoy!
By then we are the police station. MOre drama i stand the sight of him almost
made me regurgitate. So the process of being logged in began, Ladies first, mark
you i was in a skirt, heels and shawl. So the contents of my bag were logged in
then was asked to remove my shoe, that didnt work well so they let me keep both
seeing that i limping by then more sober than a judge. So we were shown to our
humble abode, some office converted to hold female offenders seeing that it was
peak season and the cells were full. Once locked up safely, the sharing began
what were you doing and in the process my story was told. "(in a kao accent)Ati
alikulipia condinendal ukakataa, loom za one thousand? asi"
Much later when the cops were bored, i was called out and given an update.
Apparently, dude mentioned that i was the girlfriend. It didnt help either that
all the cops that night were Merus, so i was told that the dude aka bwana yako
had a lot of money since he had logged in USD 300 and some Kshs.25K and they went
on and on and on. After that i was escorted back to the cell and allowed to use
my phone. I never knew you can sleep whilst standing, so shortly it was morning.
We were called out two of us to sweep outside after which "tea" was served
clearly i wasn't going to take it. Whilst peeping out i was the ever familiar
plates and two figures emerge. The rescue team was here. So we had to wait for
the OCS who came and did the roll call. Now here he calls out your name, you
answer sir! when he got to me he asked which college i was in and i lied. Then
with an evil grin sarcastically asks," Walikutoa kwa darasa
After what seemed like eternity i was called out and went to some office for
processing. We were made to sit next to each other really close then signed off
and let to go. So i get out R&J make me stand in sun so that i can rid myself of
the smell of the cell. Shortly, this guy walks up to me and introduces himself as
the Dude's brother then proceeds to ask if i knew that dude was married and am
like NO. he gives his apologies and we leave. After that fed, caned, taunted,
taken home and made to swear that next time i want nyama so bad i will call them.
6 February 2007
Fed up!
Disclaimer: My blog my rant dont like it click next!!
One thing i have learnt two things i dismiss. First things first the demon drink second but by no means least men. I know way too many good men and yet am still screwing up. Demon drink for the main reason is the drama in this story since we have already tried the part where we drink rationally and it hasn't worked. Clearly we have failed and yes i quat(yeah i quat) not i quit i have already done it.
See Friday was the straw that broke the camel's back. In-house, chulled out catching up over a couple of drinks. I have a high affinity for two types of men from Indian Ocean and its surroundings and foreigners. In this story the Good,there was this Ssebo who i think was looking too luscious especially after one too many. Not so bad I went for it lets just say the Githongo's dossier has nothing on me. Bad, humph that conversation has been replaying itself in my mind now ugly, every time i recall that i cringe! That besides brought back memories of Mlolongo Police station another one of Demon drinks' excursions (story for another day).
I am yet to find out what the heck about me says "forever" or "take care of". I have never thought of myself as one of those that provoke such thoughts... So when i get this offers to get married or be a mistress am thoroughly disturbed.I know what you are thinking, yes keeping in tradition i have been running but am tired. Whatever happened to those days when all men wanted was a girlfriend? Is my age really showing that much ebu you fedex botox ASAP. No i dont want to marry you and no i dont want you to move me to a different hood and pay my rent and gimme money ah! I miss the days when people went out for a drink no obligations... As if that is not enough then the cases of the exes what the heck. Ati it has suddenly dawned on you that am the best you ever had first you are not getting jack am now a registered member of the BT and might lose miles if i get off. Secondly your revelation is 6 months too late. I have never been so fed up as i am now.I know that its seasonal and this too shall come to pass but somebody FFWD this scene. Don't get me wrong its not like i have people queuing to ask its just that the few that i meet and like go that way. So i don't want to like anymore and don't like me too just let me be. I will be sure to keep it to myself if i like you too so as to avoid any future discomfort. Another thing i love my Kenyan brothers to death yes i do despite your many misdemeanors but i just prefer the ones above and i cant explain why? Luck why don't you be a lady and shove off and take cupid with you please....
One thing i have learnt two things i dismiss. First things first the demon drink second but by no means least men. I know way too many good men and yet am still screwing up. Demon drink for the main reason is the drama in this story since we have already tried the part where we drink rationally and it hasn't worked. Clearly we have failed and yes i quat(yeah i quat) not i quit i have already done it.
See Friday was the straw that broke the camel's back. In-house, chulled out catching up over a couple of drinks. I have a high affinity for two types of men from Indian Ocean and its surroundings and foreigners. In this story the Good,there was this Ssebo who i think was looking too luscious especially after one too many. Not so bad I went for it lets just say the Githongo's dossier has nothing on me. Bad, humph that conversation has been replaying itself in my mind now ugly, every time i recall that i cringe! That besides brought back memories of Mlolongo Police station another one of Demon drinks' excursions (story for another day).
I am yet to find out what the heck about me says "forever" or "take care of". I have never thought of myself as one of those that provoke such thoughts... So when i get this offers to get married or be a mistress am thoroughly disturbed.I know what you are thinking, yes keeping in tradition i have been running but am tired. Whatever happened to those days when all men wanted was a girlfriend? Is my age really showing that much ebu you fedex botox ASAP. No i dont want to marry you and no i dont want you to move me to a different hood and pay my rent and gimme money ah! I miss the days when people went out for a drink no obligations... As if that is not enough then the cases of the exes what the heck. Ati it has suddenly dawned on you that am the best you ever had first you are not getting jack am now a registered member of the BT and might lose miles if i get off. Secondly your revelation is 6 months too late. I have never been so fed up as i am now.I know that its seasonal and this too shall come to pass but somebody FFWD this scene. Don't get me wrong its not like i have people queuing to ask its just that the few that i meet and like go that way. So i don't want to like anymore and don't like me too just let me be. I will be sure to keep it to myself if i like you too so as to avoid any future discomfort. Another thing i love my Kenyan brothers to death yes i do despite your many misdemeanors but i just prefer the ones above and i cant explain why? Luck why don't you be a lady and shove off and take cupid with you please....
1 February 2007
The Stirring: Is that it?
So its over with/out the option to remain friends or sworn enemies, the we is now I and yes this too shall come to pass. So what happens to
I don’t know what I’d do without you
You are the best thing that ever happened to me
Our song, our place, the memories created and shared
All I want and ever need is you
The vision of you, him/her, x children in the suburbs
One minute Farewell party next welcome back party on the Bilas train
I think he/she is the one (whatever that means)
That feeling of being whipped, in love et al
The being blessed and privileged to have known the person
Thank God I found you
Words don’t do justice to what I feel for you
The understanding and standing up for other
My mind wont think of nothing but you
Forever, I do, I swear….
I Love and trust you
Blah blah blih all this and more then shortly, Tis been real? So what happens between Endless Love and Doing Just fine….Is that it no really is that it soap lather rinse ad infinitum….
I don’t know what I’d do without you
You are the best thing that ever happened to me
Our song, our place, the memories created and shared
All I want and ever need is you
The vision of you, him/her, x children in the suburbs
One minute Farewell party next welcome back party on the Bilas train
I think he/she is the one (whatever that means)
That feeling of being whipped, in love et al
The being blessed and privileged to have known the person
Thank God I found you
Words don’t do justice to what I feel for you
The understanding and standing up for other
My mind wont think of nothing but you
Forever, I do, I swear….
I Love and trust you
Blah blah blih all this and more then shortly, Tis been real? So what happens between Endless Love and Doing Just fine….Is that it no really is that it soap lather rinse ad infinitum….
4 January 2007
Ti hi hi hi

Claimer: i read this i couldn't help but think of Oduori and resulted in shamelessly copy and paste(what a way to start the year)otherwise Happy new year.
yawa! Luos jamani, hehehehe! But honestly you colour our world!
Doctor : What happened to your arm?
Oludhe : I broke it.
Doctor : Where and How did that happen?
Oludhe : Okey. It was a normal Saturday afternoon. I was on my second floor
balcony of my house in Karen, not the one in lavington sippi...
Doctor : Is that where you broke your arm, the balcony?
Oludhe : No no ... I was sipping that my scotch whisky slowly... you know my son recently came from the UK and he brought me some blue I continued sipping, I realised that the sun's rays were not getting directly to me, as the satellite dish was blocking them. Before I could instruct the domestic engineer to automatically turn away the dish, my butler James came up the balcony and informed me that there was this call on my social cellular phone.I reminded him to always bring the cellular up instead of calling me.As I hurried down the marble escalator ...
Doctor : I guess that is when you...
Oludhe : No, as I was going down I noticed the garage door was open and a car alarm was on. I stopped to check and indeed the new model Prado was missing. I knew Mama Akinyi my beautiful second wife had taken it.Akinyi is our second daughter(EGM you must know i mean else the title is null), now in Boston USA and is named after my late grand mother, who passed away in 1972 after a short illness. I have always warned mama Akinyi never to use the 4 by 4 on weekends, because of the recent spate of car-jackings. I always advise her to either use the Mercedes 230E or the BMW 325I which are not very attractive for thugs. That reminds me, I will have to tell my secretary to call "car-track " first thing on Monday - Jowa! I need to update my mobility inventory with them. So as I was saying....
Doctor : (With some laughter) Yes Mr Oludhe, car theft incidences are rising and it is becoming a dangerous place. But how did you break your arm?
Oludhe : Yes I was coming to that. On my way to pick the phone call I heard a hissing sound. I stopped to check where it was coming from. Ahh, it was from the bathroom. Mama Akinyi, for some reason, had left the Jacuzzi on. Luckily the temperature and speed were at the minimum. I usually recommend such speed and temp so that we do not overload the UPS support system , especially when our son's home
theatre system is on .
Doctor : Mr Olu...
Oludhe : Just wait... So when I picked up the phone, I said Hello,Hello...Hello, but nothing. I became upset because I think the caller from state house had disconnected, I can't understand why he didn't leave a message after the beep. All my un-answered calls including the car mobiles are automatically redirected to a CAMS system. Doc,a CAMS is a "Central Answering Machine System". Anyway, on my
way back I did not notice the protruding wire from the satellite dish. I had on many
occasions told MultiChoice to send in a qualified techni...
Doctor : that where you tripped?
Oludhe : No, as I was avoiding the wire, I tripped on the Multichoice 250 channel decoder and fell on the 200 year old classical family piano..........
Doctor : Thank you. Such an expensive trip will cost you only 850.
Oludhe: (hands over the money excitedly...)
Doctor : Not Kenya shillings, Dollars!
Oludhe : Aii....yawa.....then I shall write you a cheque drawn from my
overseas account with First Boston Bank can not go
wrong on that one omera.
eish dude LOL.
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