Strictly one drink per person

Luhyas need i say more...
Past weekend decided to get away from Nairobi to Fisherman's camp in Naivasha. While out there with little to do I decided to find out who Iam. This is what I came back with arranged in no specific order: -
Iam a unique individual, I have my own way of doing things .I over so often try to fit in with people by doing things their way and behave how they expect me to but it ends here.
I would rather be at home watching telly, reading a book in bed with a cup of coffee rather than be out dancing. Don’t get me wrong I love to dance just not every weekend it does get boring.
Iam conservative and traditional, I believe in being a lady which to me means not cursing loudly, talking when I have to
I still believe in the man as being the head of the house regardless of all other factors so I will submit as my mother taught me.
I still believe in one man one woman and that married men belong to someone else thus I have no business there same applies to men with girlfriends.
I would like my man to be first and most important God -fearing, assert himself quietly, strong ambitious understanding and real.
I love jazz, classical music, music of the 40s till early 90s,ospel, country, dislike except or the likes of Susan owiyo, Eric wainaina, harry kimani, mercy Myra, Susan kibukosya and all those vernacular songs.
I love to go for coffee at Java make that a double black no cream or milk and just sit there sipping as I watch people walk by or read a book or magazine.
I love God and church, that is what I knew as I grew up and most precious to me.
I love to go to church on Sunday, sing hymns, dance to choruses, chat after church then after a junk lunch go to Kengeles Nairobi west for the best live band music ever.
I love zilizopendwa the likes of T.P Ok Jazz, simba wanyika, les wanyika etc.
I love to collect and read books and magazines
I love to volunteer the reason I joined rotaract club especially to work with children who are less privileged than Iam. I wish that I could wave a wand and wipe all their troubles away.
I hate to see old people who have been neglected or dumped in a home and forgotten just because they cannot do anything for themselves.
I love antiques; they are precious, old and one of a kind.
I love poetry, it ignites my heart and makes me come alive
I’d rather have a glass of white wine chilled than a crate of beer any day.
I love to meet new people and make new friends, which I do easily.
I love to read and learn new things and iam always looking to improve
I love to cook and try out new recipes and spoil the people I love
I love 100% the kind that no mater what always remains
I know where am coming from and I have ideas about where am going
Family is everything to me.
Still believe in love, magic, miracles and that God has a man and a plan for me.
I love children, they remind me of how simple life used to be when it was either right or wrong, white or black no grey area, innocence and purity.
I would rather have one tulip over a dozen roses any day.
Iam more of a realist than a dreamer.
I care about my reputation, what the society thinks I represent so I watch my behaviour for appropriateness.
I love it when it rains, if I can I get into bed with a book, glass of hot milk or coffee or just sit in bed and watch the raindrops.
As my friend David says Iam a chipaholic (n’one addicted to chips)
All my friends are way older than Iam by at least 4 years.
I get along better with guys rather than with gals.
I love to karaoke yes karaoke and open mic sessions.
I can be moody and unpredictable
I love Afro-fusion the likes of Angelique kidjo, seif keitah, youssor ndour etc
I love to tryout new things and to wine and dine such as Ethiopian at red sea and Brazilian at panari sky centre.
I love theatre and the arts, love to look at paintings trying to figure out what the painter had in mind.
I treasure and love my alone moments. I have learned to depend largely on myself and less on others. I love to take trips alone and just do what I want to do without asking another.
I hate begging, being vulnerable and the feeling of helplessness.
I love to be in control and have standard that are sometimes too high even for me. I hate to fail.
Am proud.
I love the quiet stillness of the night when I can even hear my own thoughts.
I love the great outdoors and enjoy camping out under the sky.
Iam over ambitious and a procrastinator.
I like to standout from the crowd and hate to conform, be just part of the group.
I have learnt from my mistakes and those of others.
I can never be too proud to apologize.
I love to read the bible and think of such.
I love slow music, my taste in music is more influenced by the words and the feelings brought about
I trust easily.
I love action packed movies the likes of Rambo, John Wayne and Jackie Chan just but a few
I can’t stand a man who cries all the time.
I cry in private and rarely in public.
I love to travel to places I have never been to and revisit those that I have been to.
I love weddings, parties, birthdays, Christmas, new year, Valentines day
I dislike exams, tests, gossip and haters
Love sports.
Onmy epitaph: Beloved Daughter and Friend.
I don’t make apologies or excuses for the person that Iam what you see is what you get it can only get better not worse.
Iam made up of several parts: -
The God fearing, always looking to do his will but keep failing
Social, me, try to make everyone at ease around me
Loud me, talks too much, braggart and can be a pain at times
The lady, gracious, considerate and full of manners
Day: Friday
Time: 6: 40ish
Venue: Hooters
Am sitting at the said venue, sipping on my cold tale. Is here for one of my club (Rotaract Club of Nairobi Central) events what we all fondly call TGIF (thank God its Friday). This is a time when members are to bond, gossip, cat , dart, do nothing but mainly get to know each other apart from let off any steam,aka rant and rave about the week past, chomoa a plan for the weekend or at times a Friday plan e.g. my fave New jack swing. FIY New Jack Swing as they say is about when carnivore was called vouras, when wacko jacko was black, bobby brown was clean etc. ooohh 3rd Friday of every month.
The place is not so packed, the Dj is doing his thing on the turntable. From some deadly old school funkies, you can tell whos over 23 since they seem to know the lyrics by heart. Musta have had the songbooks back then.
More people stream in then the greetings are exchanged which range from a simple handshake, a hug (single/double), 2 kiss/3 kiss, a kiss then hug ... The ladies are looking all fresh and combosed yes they gat combosure must be the prior visit to the little girls room the things that are not in those handbags. The men hhmmmmm, suits, loose ties or none, shirtsleeves folded till midway between the elbow and the wrist. fashion statement sio.
Am informed there’s' going to be a pool challenge so we are being grouped into amateurs and pros. Yours truly takes the first game (amateur) then halfway gets bored and hands over to the pros. Back to my sina taabu, my tale baridi at hand and all is well with me. am looking around sourcing for someone to tell tales with. Then a cute guy (good) with a chick looks tight (bad) hen the shinning bling , yeah married(ugly) so bummer . The frotho flows. The music is getting better he’s been playing soul, east african music , mugiithi, vyone chakachaka tis bliss.
Time 11pm
Off to Langata Shopping Center to the joint Psys formerly known as Size bar. The crowd super strictly over 27 . The music old, really good the kind that makes you want to do a quick shabadoo. Am with company doing old moves and having a ball. With the occasional (ok a lot of) hugs and bonding now that we are at the entrance and can see who’s coming in.
Then th ususal endless rous, laughter, dancing. Now dancing, there are those who cant(zero coordination), those who shouldn’t ( its dangerous), those who can (potential with practice and few videos) and those who can and they know it (showoffs). A few beers, a few dance moves and hugs later tis time to go home. Few is used relatively here.
Funny/Strange how:-
sses so quickly when you are having fun.
Everyone is friendly and tight at the pub and cold nd distance elsewhere
Everyone is generous with rous when drunk
Some men still think that one beer=2 shotis( go figure)
Everyone looks fly after a few beers.
Men are always willing to give a ride home especially if you are female
Confessions of undying love and loyalty come so easy
You know the lyrics to every song and the dance moves without missinga beat.
Jeans Nairobi west- the pizza is super at 3 or 4am but tastes like crap during normal hours.
Gospell hits in bars and clubs the likes of kuna dawa and akisema atakubariki, akorino have nothing on the walevis.
You find strnge numbers in your phonebook with strange names like mr.x, cockpit, maybe.
When those mugiithi, kao or kisii songs play the classy chiqs are the ones who can get dance better than chiqs of shags and mboches. Uptown kitu gani.
At the risk of sounding like I never know the reason for anything in my life. I must first say that am still as joyful to the extent where am humming to myself, find myself dancing even at the bustop. I will let you all know how the joy cometh forth as soon as I find out.
Yesterday, I learnt something that I guess I have known but been denying for a long time. I am actually not pissed in fact all the more joy and bliss continues. I think must be the realization that it won’t work, see the truth is am commitment phobic. How do I know that? Every time am in a really good relationship and all is well, suddenly it is like the unspoken command to self-destruct. I will normally do everything I can to sabotage I t.
Then I got to thinking, (must be the bio-clock been ticking again) they say that there is a person especially for everyone. That destiny/fate/cupid/God or whatever it is that you believe in has a person just for you. A partner, one who is supposed to be like the other missing half piece of the jigsaw puzzle? Dreamily, one who will accept you just as you are (scary thought) since we at times don’t know who we are.
The “perfect” partner for you or me. One who makes you laugh when low/blue/sad, one who knows exactly what to say, how to say is and when to say it. The one who loves you just as you are. The one who sparks fire in you. One who awakes both your brains and your loins. The one who makes your toes curl (don’t ask wont tell). You know, the one whose perks and smirks are just right. The person of your dreams (no wonder you never meet them)
Then again, am the realistic type hardly believe in romance and love, prefer tulips to red roses any day. Despite that I have loved truly once when I was younger. Now I think that my ideologies, beliefs and the mother of them all experience get in the way of cupid’s arrow. I cant say that I have been around long enough o prove the theory right or wrong. All I know about men from my experience and that of others (read gal talk) is that some are worth it and others aren’t (another blog, another day).
They say that you have to kiss a few frogs before you reach prince charming (the gals that is the men don’t know yet). Now I wonder how few is few and why cant I just get straight on with the so called prince charming you know cut the suspense and drama.
I have had my fair share of men each one of them has taught me something and helped me to discover something about myself that I didn’t know before. For that and other reasons best not told here (hey a gal must have a secret), no hard feelings.
I have learnt among others though that: -
God and my parents are the only people I can truly depend on.
I love me too much and enjoy my own company
I don’t need a man to define who iam I do that pretty well by myself.
I know what I want, how to get me so watch me get it
I am beautiful, intelligent, mumeru woman with all the curves in check with a lot to offer and any man is lucky to have my company.
Like wine am getting better with age.
I know when to stay and fight and when to walk away.
Still I cant wait to see what cupid / God has in store for me *ROFLOL* u know the man
I get to grow old with.
Patience is not my greatest virtus so till then I shall be at the pond…